café career
Career-learning home page
Magazine - articles and activities Underpinning - basic ideas for the work
Memory - key articles archive Moving on

making it work - practical material based on well-founded ideas

Partnerships for learning in the new curriculum

An interactive package supporting coordinators in their management of economic well-being in the curriculum.  It helps you to get the issues clear, the opportunities focused and the action sustainable. The package is in two parts: an animated PowerPoint, and a supporting pdf handbook. 


Booklets on 'planning for progression', 'developing portfolios', 'diagnosing career learning' the CPI material on designing for 'relevance', 'progression' and 'learning outcomes' - and, most recently, on making good use of narrative.


Narrative handouts

Handbooks and handouts on on using stories and helping students and clients to use stories

Handouts on the changing position of careers work in Connexions
Handouts on how current theory helps Connexions, materials on 'young learners at risk and networking help', issues arising from the changing position of careers work in Connexions, and an aid to professional action planning
Handout with the career-learning needs items
List of career-learning needs (the items from Game for Career #1) in handout form
Handouts for coordinators in schools and colleges
Strategic options for the future of careers work in schools and colleges, emerging career-development thinking, how it can be made to work, the management implications
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